
Friday, March 27, 2015

Mr. T: Part 5

Here is another progress photo of Mr. T (man, of course there is a solid amount of glare on the image):

I feel that he is coming along nicely. Things I need to work on next, well other than obviously finishing it, are: thin the tongue down a little on the left, clean up the ears just a bit, and figure out what I am going to do with the bow tie.

You see, other than being a Scottie dog, Mr. T's family is also Scottish. Well, mostly German but, you know, we Americans are all mutts anyways. Mr. T's family would like him to have a bow tie done in the pattern of their family tartan:

Yeah, okay, I can do that...but this then begs the How bright, how big, how much TARTAN!?

Well, let us see if we can answer these questions with some poor photoshop magic. Originally I was thinking I wanted a bright bold tartan that would really stand out, ala Jenny Morgan and her crazy bright arms. Now I am not so sure. I am nervous that all you will see is TARTAN and not Mr. T with Tartan. Therefore, plead for your help. Here are some options:

Options 1 and 2, big pattern with both bright (1) and slightly mute (2) colors:

Options 3 and 4, medium pattern with bright and mute colors:

Oh, there isn't as much of a difference between big and medium as I thought.

Option 5 and 6, small pattern with bold and mute colors:

And finally, Option 7 and 8, ex-small with bright and bold colors:

Thoughts? Do you want to see other size options? More muted? I think I am slightly leaning towards Option 4, but only so much.

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