
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

An Artist: Stephen Mackey

Stephen Mackey is an enigma of sorts. He has very little web presence. I could only find information about his paintings, but nothing about him personally. What little I was able to find on him I found in a YouTube video description (the video itself is just images of Mackey's paintings). He is seemingly self-taught, and lives in Manchester, England, and I love his paintings.

I don't have the slightest idea as to how one would describe his works, Contemporary Academic Victorian? I have just made up a new genre. Or maybe Contemporary Victorian Fantasy? Or perhaps Contemporary Victorian Romantic Academic? Or the Academy of Contemporary Victorian Romanticism, no that sounds like a school.

Either way, they are lovely. Below is an assortment of his works, although not a complete compilation, he also does figure paintings.

You can see more of his works here and here.

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