
Monday, March 9, 2015

An Artist: El Gato Chimney

El Gato Chimney is an Italian artist, living in Milan, and his name is a curious concoction of who knows what. He seems to draw from such artists as Hieronynmus Bosch, well he is more like Bosch Light, but his watercolors smack of medieval apocalypse manuscripts.

Here is a little bit about his works from his own bio page:
Currently, El Gato Chimney's studies range over a wide variety of subjects, such as alchemy, ancient and modern art, magic, mirabilia, occultism, popular folklore, primitive art and spiritualism.The universe he portrays is dual and deceptive, like a good nightmare: a world constantly split between a daytime Arcadia and an inhabited and unquiet night, where the dividing line is clearly visible and easy to cross, both a danger signal and an invitation to disobedience.
Like several artists I love, El Gato started out as a street artist who then moved into the studio. He works primary in acrylic, but my personal favorites are in watercolor, where, I feel, his talent truly shines. Watercolor being the more difficult and pesky of painting mediums. For me, El Gato embraces the macabre in a way that is fresh, interesting, and without fear of judgement. He maintains an intellectual balance that takes potential gimmicks and transforms them into artistic motifs. This is an ability that I lack, or am hesitant to give over to. Almost as if my own reticent tendencies force me to contain my imagination in face of judgmental impressions towards "the gimmick." I am hoping that through this blog I will slowly be able to let off that stifling voice that hinders my own weird.

Here are a few more of his intriguing and inspiring works:

You can see more of his works herehere, or here.  Below are some of my favorite watercolors.

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