
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mr. T: Part 6, Tartan attempt #1

Well, as Husband said when he noticed,"I think that you have been watching too much 'Vikings.'" Turns out that I have been calling Chuck Norris, Chuck Norse, oops. Vikings is kind of great though (even if it can be a little redundant, I mean...most of the show does revolve around Viking raids of all things).

Today I also worked a little on Mr. T. I had been waiting for him to dry in order to work on his bow tie and today was the day! However, as you are about to see, it did not go as well as I would have hoped:

Even in it's unfinished state, it is obvious that this tartan was no good. So I cleaned it off, repainted the bow tie red and now...well now I have to wait for it to dry again before trying a new approach.

The additional layer of red really makes the bow tie pop, I think that I like it.

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