
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Chuck Norris: Part 1

Without putting my sister's life story out onto the internet, even if it would be through a blog that no one looks at, I would like to introduce you to my sister's little savior, Chuck Norris (this the same sister I painted the lily for a few months back).

Not too long ago Chuck was left home with a couple of "friends." These friends were two large dogs. I guess Chuck and co. must have had a little too much to drink (?), but some kind of accident ensued (it was not an attack, probably just too much rough housing), and when my sister got home Chuck's jaw was broken and he was kind of missing an eye. Yep, an eye. Gross. I am so glad I did not see this.

Anyways, sister, as you can imagine, thought Chuck was going to die and was devastated. Happily, Chuck pulled through and her little hero is still by her side, pirate patch and all.


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