
Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Bear: Part 2, another failure

Well, needless to say, this week was not my best week. I have struggled with the right colors, the right look, the right way to has not been awesome. Another case in point, Mrs Bear:

Much like the pronghorn, I painted and I wiped and I painted and I wiped over and over and over again. I decided to throw out the fish circle thing and add silver leaf orbs (like the pronghorn) and then the water splashes were also going to be silver. Sheesh, at least the eyes are kind of cool:

Not that you can tell the bear even has eyes in the images above, it all just kind of blends and is blah and more blah and then even more blah. Also, she kind of looks like she is going to rip your head off, am I right? Maybe I should tone that down a little bit.

Unlike the pronghorn I am not going to start over, instead I am going to put it aside for a bit. Maybe work on the salmon off and on, but then come back to the bear later.

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