
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Just because: Mitchel's Race!!

Who are those annoying people in the background? Really, so rude.... 
Last week Mom, Husband, and I took a road trip out to good ol' Kansas; Manhattan, Kansas to be precise. Yep, Manhattan, Kansas is a real place. In fact, my brother-in-law, who is an ESL professor for K State, says that sometimes their international students land in Kansas thinking that they were going to be going to school in Manhattan, New York. I cannot imagine the devastation on their faces when they walk off the plane, and find themselves surrounded by corn and cows. Oh, I want to see that!

Anyways, we made a surprise visit (Brother-in-law knew) to my Sister. Sister was running her first ever race with her awesome friend M. We arrived the day before the race, she was so surprised to see us, it was great. As you can imagine it was a lot of fun being out there. 

Here is a video of the end of the race, and I would have you know that the shouting, hooting sound is not me; that would be my mom and the race people. The race was full of awesome, supportive workers: 

Here is a photo of all of us:

Also, I would like to note how Husband and I are standing between Sister and Brother-in-law, posing as if the kids are ours. :)

While we were there we went to the Insect Zoo, which was great, the Wizard of Oz Museum, which was okay, and the Sunrise Zoo, which was awesome. The Sunrise Zoo is a smallish zoo, but their enclosures are wonderful. A couple of the enclosures you just walk right into, like the kangaroo enclosure, and there are a ton of peacocks just walking around everywhere. It was pretty fun.

The little ones were pretty sick the entire time we were there. Ms V kept her spirits up super well; however, little Ms Q was really not loving life, as you can see.

Also, here is a photo of Sister sleeping with her youngest, Ms Q, after the race: 


  1. So fun! Good to know that the Wizard of Oz Museum is not that great. I will not make an express pilgrimage to Kansas to visit it.

  2. Thanks for posting this! :) Love you!
