
Monday, June 1, 2015

Color Palettes: How to Make your Own Glass Palette

Making your own glass palette is super easy. In fact, I made mine and then looked online and found an even easier way using spray paint. Bummer. I take that back; not easier, just different. Okay, no, probably easier, especially if you already have to go out and purchase materials.

Here is the link for that "different" way, here is a video that shows you just about the same thing, and here is another video that shows you a slightly fancier way to make a palette.

And now, on to "my way." The first glass palette I ever purchased was made this way. After breaking a second palette purchased from the same place, I decided to make my own. I also ended up breaking that one, so now I am on my fourth, but the first one still remains!

Materials needed:

Scissors, a pencil, some artist tape or blue painters tape (scotch or masking tape may rip when trying to remove and replace), a piece of glass (the smallest I would go is 11x14. You can purchase a piece of glass from any framer, and also ask them to bevel the sides), a medium gray piece of paper, and some card stock (I used the cover from an old drawing pad). All of these things can be purchased from your local craft store, such as Hobby Lobby or Michael's.

Note: If you would like a more heavy-duty glass, hop over to Ikea and purchase one of their glass shelves. They are cheap but big, and I for one don't have the table space for it. The glass that I am using in this demo was actually the glass from an 11x14 frame that I purchased to show Mr. T in a gallery. Oh, I don't think I mentioned that, more on that later. Meaning I went super cheap on the glass, but it works. 

Step 1: Using your piece of glass, trace the outline on both your gray paper and card stock (again, here I used the cover from a drawing pad).

Step 2: Cut the pieces out. They will end up being a little bigger than your glass, but we will fix that.

Step 3: Clean your glass with either windex or soap and water.

Step 4: Add a piece of tape along a long side of the glass. Place your gray paper and then card stock on top of the glass, flush with the taped edge. Fold the tape over the side and corners.

Step 5: Cut any overhanging paper from the glass's edge and then repeat step 4 on all four sides.

Step 6: Reinforce the corners by wrapping a small piece of tape around them.

Step 7: Finish off the back by placing tape, this time flush with the edges instead of folding over, around all four sides.

And now you have a finished palette.

As you use your palette, the tape will take a beating. When needed, just remove the tape and replace. Again, I don't recommend using scotch or masking tape, as these tapes will tear the paper.

For more about painting check out my main Tips and Techniques page.

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