
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

About an Artist: Josie Morway

The other day I was explaining to a friend the sometimes intense feelings of combat with one's fellow art students. You see, when you are in an art class, there is always a point in the day when every single person will get up to "stretch their legs" and to "see what others are working on." When in reality they are summing everyone up to see who has won the day. I thought, for a while, that I was the only one who summed up their art educational experience in competitive terms of who won and who lost, until one day in figure drawing. I was sharpening my pencil when a girl walked by my easel. I watched as she poked a friend and said, "She won, again." I was elated!

When perusing the internets, I sometimes find artists that I have beat (this is rare), artists where we can part amicably, and then artists who punch me into the ground and walk away laughing as they wipe blood and paint from their hands onto their perfectly formed ass. Josie Morway is one of those artists.

I found her today while reading a post about the Haven Gallery. She has great hair, coolies tattoos, is prego, is a triathlete, and paints oh so well.

She even does great instagram photos of her works:

"Don't mind me as I eat my grape fruit, drink my coffee, and bask in my own greatness." I would too if I had instagram photos like these! I mean, if I had instagram photos at all. I really should start doing that.

Below are some of her works, but I also highly recommend checking out her web and etsy sites.

All self deprecating aside, I love finding artists like her, Kevin Taylor, Juan Travieso, or Tiffany Bozic. It is when I do that I really feel the need to push myself and go to the mattresses. 

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