
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Gallery Show for Me!

One of my goals for last January was to get into the Hogle Zoo's World of the Wild Art Show, but then Husband's cousin moved in with us and then died and all of my goals were set back by, well, a year. 

Now that it is January again, it is time to finally complete some of these goals. Today I got an email telling me that both my Pronghorn and Ram paintings were accepted into the Hogle Zoo show. It is a small thing, but baby steps, right? I am excited. 

I am a little bummed that I didn't finish the Barn Owl in time, but I think it was a good thing that I am not rushing through painting it.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Good for you! You are the best! This seems like the perfect venue for you to display your art. I hope you make a lot of great contacts this way.
