
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

To My Grandpa

Today marks eleven years since my grandpa died of alzheimers. When the call came I was in the middle of getting dressed in the city of San Filipe, on the island of Fogo, in the country of Cabo Verde serving a Mormon mission. It was my grandma, they still had my number from Mother's Day, and my sister, E.

This is from my sisters' third birthday, I was four. I believe that is E feeding grandpa a piece of her cake. Grandpa was awesome beyond belief. My dad was pretty absent all growing up, and my grandpa, more than willingly, filled that gap.

At the end grandpa didn't know who we were, but he still knew we were important to him. The last thing he ever said to me was, "In a while crocodile." We used to say "see ya later alligator, in a while crocodile"  back and forth to each other all the time.

So here's to grandpa and seeing him in a while. Love you lots Gramps.

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