
Friday, January 15, 2016

Barn Owl: Part 2

So I was trying to finish the Barn Owl for a gallery gig that is due tomorrow, but I misread the entry forms. The submission is not a digital submission with another week or so before you find out if you made it. This one is a physical submission.

I am smart (shaking head no). Not super bummed about it, though. I am going to submit my Ram and Pronghorn instead. This will allow me to get some serious detail into the feathers of the Owl. All good things.

Below are progress shots up until about 3 o'clock when I reread the papers and decided to take a break:

The back wing is a little bit darker than in the image, the gloss from the couch I painted into is still pretty shinny.

To see the beginning shots, take a look at Barn Owl: Part 1.

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