
Monday, October 12, 2015

A Kingly Hedgehog: Part 3

This morning, when I walked into my painting room, I decided that the face was only okay. After working on it today I now think it is getting there, but I still need to adjust some things.

Also, it takes a very long time to paint quills. As in, my bottom is less than thrilled with me right now and I still have quills to go, as you can see from the picture of the little guy down below:

So my plan right now is to paint all of the quills and the dark areas super contrasty, allow that to dry, and then do glazes on top in order to create the color gradation. I think this will be easier than trying to paint each quill individually. We shall see....


  1. Have you seen the documentary "Tim's Vermeer"? Your mention of painting quills reminds me of the inventor who decided to reproduce a Vermeer and needed to paint some sort of Oriental/Turkish rug, one knot at a time. I think he painted the rug for several days straight! I guess what I'm saying is, Vermeer would paint those hedgehog quills individually… ;)

    Honestly, though, I think your strategy of the contrast sounds more practical, and it might even be more striking that way.

    1. I have seen it, and have mixed feelings about it. But if you look at Tim's blog, which I cannot find right now, it took him months to paint the rug. I would not want to do that.

  2. Yeah, I have mixed feelings about the show too. I think that the final painting doesn't look exactly like a Vermeer, either. There is something too static and stiff about it. But yes, don't spend months painting quills!
