
Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Thank You: To my Hogle Zoo Patron, plus Some Small Announcements

Monday I raced, in really horrible weather, up to Hogle Zoo in order to retrieve my two paintings from their gallery show and I had a little surprise when I arrived. Over this past weekend one of my paintings sold!

I didn't think of getting the person's information until after I left. I will have to call about it. I would love to send them a thank you note, but for now thank you secret patron. I love you. (Also sorry about the crappy frame, the whole thing was a little rushed.)

Also, I haven't been painting for a while. Mostly because for the past two months I have been glued to my couch in a never-ending surge of pain, nausea, and sickness. The reason? This very, very little one:

You can see its little hand and scary Darth Vader smile. Other than that it is just a little blob, but it's my little blob and that is exciting to me.

This week I am officially 13 weeks and out of the first trimester! I am so happy about this, as the past few days I have been feeling wonderful. For example, yesterday I opened the fridge, ate a grape, and didn't instantly regret it. Progress!

Good bye, diet of cheese sticks and eggo waffles!

Some additional progress is that my paints have stopped smelling so badly to me that it makes me want to throw up. However, over the past six weeks of feeling so sick and so depressed (my couch also now has some serious depressions), I really started feeling down about painting. I have always felt like there is something lacking about them, like there needs to be more, but this self-loathing pity party got so bad that I was ready to completely give up. The purchase of my pronghorn was just the boost that I needed.

Now I am ready to hit the ground running, finish up the owl and goldfish, and keep going.

1 comment:

  1. Huzzah! I remember eating grapes when I was pregnant with Sam. Progress, indeed! And yay yay yay about the sold painting!!!
